Food Storage Analyzer™ Preparedness Pantry Blog Independence Acres: Another week has nearly come to an end...

Friday, June 21, 2013

Another week has nearly come to an end...

Lots of rain this past week, the tomato patch went from weed free to weed full with all the rain! We managed to get around 15 pounds or so yield out of our Red Potatoes and 10 so far from our Yukon Gold-not bad for only planting 3 Lbs of each! We had an unexpected litter of three baby bunnies Tuesday, so that was rather exciting as we didn't know our newest doe had been "compromised" by our sneaky buck (he is an escape artist, I'm not kidding!) We also have a doe named "Houdini", for obvious reasons-they MUST be related! It seems that the strawberries are nearly done for the year, I wish I could find a better way of treating slugs organically, something keeps drinking the beer I put out (I suspect our cats, but I can't be sure!) I've never seen so many slugs in my life as we have in the strawberry beds this year, I suppose the mulch is probably why but I have to keep the weeds out somehow. We also managed to move our RIR's to their spot just outside the rabbit shed, they seem to like it and have been very animated the past few days. I've been picking off Japanese Beetles by the dozens and feeding them to the chicks and our Muscovy pair, they eat them up like potato chips! We also found hundreds of grubs while digging up the potatoes and I tossed most of them in the pens as well, the birds are eating well this week.

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